The one thing you should do to boost your social media effectiveness
Most likely, as a business owner you have recognized the impact that social media can have on a business. Social medial such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn allows one to tap into another source of potential customers and clients that traditional media would not allow.
In 2014 Facebook Canada stated that 19 million Canadians log onto Facebook at least once per month while 14 million log on every day. Mobile usage is growing rapidly as well with 15 million logging on with a phone or tablet once per month and 9.4 million daily. Facebook mobile ad revenues for a quarter went north of the US$1 billion mark! That’s just Facebook! Customers are out there in the land of social media and they are buying.
The users of social media are typically drawn to content that is engaging, interesting, funny or noteworthy. If they find such content they will Like it, Share it with friends and return for more. And, if you’re lucky your content will go “viral”; extremely rapid shares across the internet. Your business, your brand could be exposed to millions who will help spread the word about your business.
There is a hitch. Creating such content consistently and posting to your various social media accounts can be a full-time job in itself. Content has to be researched, crafted and then posted. It may sound easy but it takes time and if you have social media accounts already I’m sure you know what I mean. And, the content stream must be consistent because your followers will be looking for new content. They will drop you, and I’ve seen this happen, if you simply repost prior posts.
If you are a small business owner taking on the role as social media manager is not an effective use of your time. Your time is better spent running your business and servicing your clients/customers. Leave the social media management to our Ottawa social media manager. You could hire an individual for that task which with all of the other employee administrative headaches (benefits, taxes,…) will probably cost you at least $4000 per month. Outsource your Ottawa social media manager work to Custom-Fit SEO and it will cost you a fraction of the cost of hiring an employee. We provide social media management services in Ottawa for all businesses.
Our Social Media Management Process is Simple
We’ll take away your social media worries, do the heavy lifting for you and put your social media effort on autopilot, from your perspective, by being your social media coordinator in Ottawa or whichever city your business may reside. Essentially, Custom-Fit SEO will start the process by obtaining some information from you about your business so that we can customize the social media content to reflect or be applicable to your business. We’ll then start posting timely and engaging content to your Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn accounts. It’s that simple! You get us started and then you get on with managing your business.
But you’re wondering how much could this cost me? See our social media management packages and prices here.